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A Dog Show is somewhat like a Beauty Contest.
Every breed has a written standard which describes what the head, body, forelegs, hindlegs, tail placement, etc. of that particular breed should look like. In other words, the breed standard describes what a perfect specimen of a breed should look like, from head to tail.
The Judge compares the dog that he is judging with the perfect specimen according to his interpretation of the standard. The Judge's interpretation of the standards can vary, and that is why a dog that has won at a previous show may not necessarily win at the following show under a different Judge. This makes the Dog Show even more interesting.
In addition to the dog's conformity to the breed standards, the Judge also looks at his movements, which must not be faulty. He makes the dog gait away from him to see the action of the hindquarters; across the ring to see that his movement has sufficient drive and power; and towards him to see the action of the front legs.
Temperament is also taken into account. A dog which is nervous and shies away from the Judge, or one which tries to bite the Judge will be penalised.
In order for a dog to give his best in the ring, he must be handled well. Bad handling can ruin the chances of a good dog.
At Championship dog shows, Challenge Certificates (C.C.) are offered. These are special awards given to the best of each sex of a breed and will only be awarded if the Judge thinks that the exhibit is worthy of being a Champion. A dog needs to accumulate a set number of CC’s to become a Malaysian Champion.
All awards won at Malaysian Kennel Association's Championship Shows are recognised worldwide.
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