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Dog of the Year Award is to be based on a point system from wins at All Breeds Championship Shows only, as follows :
Award | Short Form | Point |
Best in Show | BIS 1 | 70 |
Reserve Best in Show | BIS 2 | 35 |
R/U to Res. Best in Show | BIS 3 | 15 |
Best in Group | GRP 1 | 10 |
Reserve Best in Group | GRP 2 | 5 |
R/U to Res. Best in Group | GRP 3 | 2 |
At each show Points won by any one dog, for the highest placing only, will be taken into account, i.e. BIS dog - total points 70 only, not 70 + 10 (for Best in Group). Similarly RBIS dog - total points 35 only, not 35 + 10 (for Best in Group), etc.
Group of the Year Awards are to be based on a point system from wins at All Breeds Championship Shows only, as follows :
Award | Short Form | Points |
Best in Group | GRP 1 | 50 |
Reserve Best in Group | GRP 2 | 25 |
R/U to Res. Best in Group | GRP 3 | 10 |
Best of Breed | BOB | 5 |
Reserve Best of Breed | RBOB | 2 |
Best in Show | BIS 1 | 10 |
Reserve Best in Show | BIS 2 | 5 |
R/U to Res. Best in Show | BIS 3 | 2 |
The Points applicable being accumulative, i.e. points calculated from Best in Group win, Best of Breed win and also any BIS or RBIS points if applicable. For example a Group winner will get a total of 60 points - 50 for Best in Group and 10 from Best of Breed. If this dog goes on to win BIS or RBIS, it will get a further 10 or 5 points respectively.
The Puppy of the Year Award is to be based on a point system from wins at All Breeds Championship Shows, only eligible for dogs that are entered in the Puppy Class in their respective breeds, as follows:
Award | Short Form | Points |
Best Puppy in Show | BPIS | 50 |
Res. Best Puppy in Show | RBPIS | 25 |
Best Puppy in Group | BPIG | 10 |
Best in Group | GRP 1 | 15 |
Reserve Best in Group | GRP 2 | 10 |
R/U to Res. Best in Group | GRP 3 | 5 |
Best in Show | BIS 1 | 20 |
Reserve Best in Show | BIS 2 | 15 |
R/U to Res. Best in Show | BIS 3 | 10 |
The Points applicable being accumulative, i.e. points calculated from Best Puppy in Show win, Best Puppy in Group win, Best In Group win and also any BIS or RBIS points if applicable. For example a dog winning Best Puppy in Show will win a total of 60 points (Best Puppy in Show + Best Puppy in Group). If this dog was a Best or Res. Best in Group it will get a further 15 or 10 points respectively. Similarly if it goes on to win BIS or RBIS, it will get a further 20 or 15 points, etc.
The Malaysian Bred Group of the Year Award is to be based on point system from wins at All Breeds Championship Shows, only eligible for dogs that are entered in the Malaysian Bred Class in their respective breeds, similar to the Malaysian Bred of the Year Award but given to each of the Malaysian Bred in each group, as follows :
Award | Short Form | Points |
Best Malaysian Bred in Show | MBIS | 25 |
Res. Best Malaysian Bred in Show | RMBIS | 15 |
Best Malaysian Bred in Group | MBIG | 25 |
Best in Group | GRP 1 | 25 |
Reserve Best in Group | GRP 2 | 20 |
R/U to Res. Best in Group | GRP 3 | 15 |
Best in Show | BIS 1 | 15 |
Reserve Best in Show | BIS 2 | 10 |
R/U to Res. Best in Show | BIS 3 | 5 |
The Points applicable being accumulative, i.e. points calculated from Best Malaysian Bred in Show win, Best Malaysian Bred in Group win, Best in Group win and also any BIS or RBIS points if applicable. For example a dog winning Best Malaysian Bred in Show will win a total of 50 points (Best Mal. Bred in Show + Best Mal. Bred in Group). If this dog was a Best or Res. Best in Group it will get a further 25 or 20 points respectively. Similarly if it goes on to win BIS or RBIS, it will get a further 15 or 10 points, etc.
The Malaysian Bred Dog of the Year Award is to be based on a point system from wins at All Breeds Championship Shows, only eligible for dogs that are entered in the Malaysian Bred Class in their respective breeds, as follows :
Award | Short Form | Points |
Best Malaysian Bred in Show | MBIS | 50 |
Res. Best Malaysian Bred in Show | RMBIS | 25 |
Best in Show | BIS 1 | 25 |
Reserve Best in Show | BIS 2 | 15 |
R/U to Res. Best in Show | BIS 3 | 10 |
Best in Group | GRP 1 | 15 |
Reserve Best in Group | GRP 2 | 10 |
R/U to Res. Best in Group | GRP 3 | 5 |
Best Malaysian Bred in Group | MBIG | 10 |
The Points applicable being accumulative, i.e. points calculated from Best Malaysian Bred in Show win, Best Malaysian Bred in Group win, Best in Group win and also any BIS or RBIS points if applicable. For example a dog winning Best Malaysian Bred in Show will win a total of 60 points (Best Mal. Bred in Show + Best Mal. Bred in Group). If this dog was a Best or Res. Best in Group it will get a further 15 or 10 points respectively. Similarly if it goes on to win BIS or RBIS, it will get a further 25 or 15 points, etc
The above competitions will be run during each MKA show season (December to September) and is open to MKA members only and for dogs in the MKA Stud book (Register). Owners of foreign dogs who wist to participate, must become MKA members and have the dogs re-registered in the MKA Stud Book.
Points will only be awarded at MKA, FCI or AKU All Breeds Championship Shows, NOT at Specialty, Breed or Group shows sanctioned by the MKA.
All points won by a dog, belong solely to the dog in question and therefore any dogs whoes ownership changes during the course of the competition, will still be eligible for the points it has accrued and cannot be taken away from the dog, unless any of the wins are found to be fraudulent.
The MKA is also introducing a BEST OF BREED competition starting in 2012 to determine the Top Dog in each Breed in 2012. The top dog in each breed at the end of 2013 will be published in Fetch and the winner in each breed will be given a certificate to acknowledge this win.
The purpose of this award is to recognise the consistent Breed Winners throughout the year. This competition is based on a point system from wins at All Breeds Championship Shows only, NOT at Specialty, Breed or Group shows sanctioned by the MKA, for dogs on the MKA Stud book (Register) and not foreign visiting dogs.
Award | Short Form | Points |
Best of Breed | BOB | 50 |
Res. Best of Breed | RBOB | 25 |
Challenge Certificate | CC | 15 |
Res. Challenge Certificate | RCC | 10 |
Best in Group | GRP 1 | 15 |
Reserve Best in Group | GRP 2 | 10 |
R/U to Res. Best in Group | GRP 3 | 5 |
Best in Show | BIS 1 | 10 |
Reserve Best in Show | BIS 2 | 5 |
R/U to Res. Best in Show | BIS 3 | 2 |
Points work are accumulative, i.e. points calculated from Best of Breed, Group win and BIS win if applicable. The CC points are only applicable to the dogs who do NOT win BOB or RBOB at the show. For example a dog winning Best of Breed will win a total of 50 points TOTAL plus any other points from Group & Best in Show. A dog winning Best of Breed will NOT get 50 + 15 (for CC). Similarly a dog winning Reserve Best of Breed will only win 25 points TOTAL plus any other points from Group & Best in Show and NOT any points for CC or RCC.
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